Global Standard Books at Low Prices
C o m p u t e r S c i e n c e
New Releases Discovering Computers and MS Office 365 and Office 2016 by Campbell c.2019 Invitation to Computer Science 8th edition by Schneider c.2018 Discrete Mathematics by Johnsonbaugh 8th edition c.2018 A Gift of Fire 5th edition by Baase c.2018 Cisco Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v6 c.2018 Cisco Routing & Switching Essentials Companion Guide v6 c.2017 Cisco Scaling Networks Companion Guide v6 c.2018 Cisco Connecting Networks Companion Guide v6 c.2018 Operating Systems 9th edition by Silberschatz c.2017 Technology in Actions 12th edition by Evans c.2016 Web Development & Design Fundamentals 7th edition by Felke Morris c. 2016 Computer Organization and Architecture 10th edition by Stallings c.2016 Management Information Systems 15th edition by Laudon c.2018 Modern Systems Analysis & Design 8th edition by Valacich c. 2017 Software Engineering 10th edition by Sommerville c.2016 CISCO Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v5.1 c.2016 Digital Design 5th edition by Mano c.2014 Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture 4th edition by Null c.2014 ___________________________________________________________ |
Highlights Cisco Networking Academy New Curriculum Titles are exclusively distributed by Mind Mover. Version 6 titles now available. Stalling's latest edition of Computer Organization and Architecture is now available c.2016. Knowledge in computers is expected in many of today's work environments, even in non-technical jobs. Mind Mover offers a choice of several Computer Concepts titles, including Understanding Computer Concepts by Parsons, which is used by students of the University of Cebu system. There are also the bestsellers Wells' Computer Concepts Basics and Farrell's Computer Fundamentals and Logic Formation. |
Discrete Mathematics
Title: Discrete Mathematics (reprint) NEW!
Author: Johnsonbaugh
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2018
An accessible introduction to the topics of discrete math, this best-selling text also works to expand students’ mathematical maturity.
With nearly 4,500 exercises, Discrete Mathematics provides ample opportunities for students to practice, apply, and demonstrate conceptual understanding. Exercise sets features a large number of applications, especially applications to computer science. The almost 650 worked examples provide ready reference for students as they work. A strong emphasis on the interplay among the various topics serves to reinforce understanding. The text models various problem-solving techniques in detail, then provides opportunity to practice these techniques. The text also builds mathematical maturity by emphasizing how to read and write proofs. Many proofs are illustrated with annotated figures and/or motivated by special Discussion sections. The side margins of the text now include “tiny URLs” that direct students to relevant applications, extensions, and computer programs on the textbook website.
Title: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (reprint)
Author: Haggard
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2011
An increasing number of computer scientists from diverse areas are using discrete mathematical structures to explain concepts and problems. Based on their teaching experiences, the authors offer an accessible text that emphasizes the fundamentals of discrete mathematics and its advanced topics. This text shows how to express precise ideas in clear mathematical language. Students discover the importance of discrete mathematics in describing computer science structures and problem solving. They also learn how mastering discrete mathematics will help them develop important reasoning skills that will continue to be useful throughout their careers.
Computer Concepts
Title: Discovering Computers and MS Office 365 and Office 2016 (Shelley Cashman) NEW!
Author: Campbell
Copyright: 2020
Combine sound coverage of computer concepts from the best-selling DISCOVERING COMPUTERS with proven step-by-step instruction on Microsoft® Office 2016. DISCOVERING COMPUTERS & MICROSOFT® OFFICE 365® & OFFICE 2016 delivers the best of the Shelly Cashman Series® in a single resource for your Introduction to Computers course. As part of the series that has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students, this edition encourages critical thought, personalization, and experimentation with the latest Microsoft® OFFICE 365® and 2016 software. Updated and revised content on computer concepts focuses exclusively on the skills students need to be successful in college and beyond.
Title: Technology in Action NEW!
Author: Evans
Edition: 12
Copyright: 2016
Explore, discover, and experience technology with the immersive and adaptive Technology in Action–the book that uses technology to teach technology! Technology in Action is a learning system that pushes the envelope of what is possible in technology, and what is helpful in teaching. It is a system that fits the way students are learning today.
Title: Invitation to Computer Science NEW!
Author: Schneider
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2018
Computer Ethics
Title: A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology NEW!
Author: Baase
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2018
An objective study of technology ethics that inspires critical thinking and debate
In Gift of Fire, A: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology, Sara Baase presents a balanced exploration of the social, legal, philosophical, ethical, political, constitutional, and economic implications of computing and the controversies they raise. With an objective computer scientist's perspective, and with historical context for many issues, Baase covers the issues students will face both as members of a technological society and as professionals in computer-related fields. A primary goal is to develop computer professionals who understand the implications of what they create and how it fits into society at large. This text encourages students to think about the ethics and philosophical direction behind topics but doesn’t necessarily lead students to conclusions. The 5th Edition contains updated material on new topics and examples, outdated material has been removed, and several topics have been reorganized. New material appears throughout, including material on current trending topics such as drones and autonomous cars.
Web Development and Design
Title: Web Development & Design Fundamentals NEW!
Author: Felke Morris
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2016
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 is intended for use in a beginning web development course.
Using Hands-On Practice exercises and Web Site Case Studies to motivate readers, Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 includes all the necessary lessons to guide students in developing highly effective Web sites. A well-rounded balance of hard skills (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript) and soft skills (Web Design, e-commerce, Web site promotion strategies) presents everything beginning Web developers need to know to build and promote successful Web sites.
Operating Systems
Title: Operating Systems NEW!
Author: Silberschatz
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2017
Title: Operating Systems
Author: Stallings
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2013
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles provides a comprehensive and unified introduction to operating systems topics. Stallings emphasizes both design issues and fundamental principles in contemporary systems and gives readers a solid understanding of the key structures and mechanisms of operating systems. He discusses design trade-offs and the practical decisions affecting design, performance and security. The book illustrates and reinforces design concepts and ties them to real-world design choices through the use of case studies in UNIX and Windows.
Programming Language
Title: First Book of ANSI C (reprint)
Author: Bronson
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2008
This fourth edition of Gary Bronson's classic text implements the C99 standard in all discussion and example programs. An early emphasis on software engineering and top-down modular program development makes the material readily accessible to novice programmers. Early introduction and careful development of pointers demonstrate the power of good programming. The new edition features a new Common Compiler Errors feature in each chapter, and all material has been updated for currency and readability.
Title: Foundations of C Programming (reprint)
Author: Forouzan
Edition: 3
Copyright: 2011
The third edition of Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C continues to present both computer science theory and C-language syntax with a principle-before-implementation approach. Forouzan and Gilberg employ a clear organizational structure, supplemented by easy-to-follow figures, charts, and tables.
Computer Organization/ Architecture
Title: Computer Organization & Architecture NEW!
Author: Stallings
Edition: 10
Copyright: 2016
Computer Organization and Architecture is a comprehensive coverage of the entire field of computer design updated with the most recent research and innovations in computer structure and function. With clear, concise, and easy-to-read material, the Tenth Edition is a user-friendly source for students studying computers. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are explored integratively throughout, with real world examples enhancing the text for student interest. With brand new material and strengthened pedagogy, this text engages students in the world of computer organization and architecture.
Title: Essentials of Computer Organization & Architecture
Author: Null
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2015
Updated and revised to reflect the most current data in the field, perennial bestseller The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Fourth Edition is comprehensive enough to address all necessary organization and architecture topics, but concise enough to be appropriate for a single-term course. Its focus on real-world examples and practical applications encourages students to develop a “big-picture” understanding of how essential organization and architecture concepts are applied in the computing world. In addition to direct correlation with the ACM/IEEE CS2013 guidelines for computer organization and architecture, the text exposes readers to the inner workings of a modern digital computer through an integrated presentation of fundamental concepts and principles.
The fully revised and updated Fourth Edition includes the most up-to-the-minute data and resources available and reflects current technologies, including tablets and cloud computing. All-new exercises, expanded discussions, and feature boxes in every chapter implement even more real-world applications and current data, and many chapters include all-new examples. This award-winning, best-selling text is the most thorough, student-friendly, and accessible text on the market today.
Logic and Digital Design
Title: Digital Design NEW!
Author: Mano
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2014
Digital Design,fifth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text on digital design. This book teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications.
Title: Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v6 NEW!
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2016
Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v6 is the official supplemental textbook for the Introduction to Networks course in the Cisco® Networking Academy® CCNA® Routing and Switching curriculum.
The course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and computer networks. The principles of IP addressing and fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. By the end of the course, you will be able to build simple LANs, perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IP addressing schemes.
The Companion Guide is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time.
Title: Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v5.1
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2016
Introduction to Networks Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Introduction to Networks course in the Cisco® Networking Academy® CCNA® Routing and Switching curriculum.
Title: Introduction to Networks (Companion and Lab Manual sold seperately)
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2014
This is the only Cisco-authorized companion guide to the official Cisco Networking Academy Introduction to Networks course in the new CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum. Fully aligned to the online course chapters, it offers additional book-based pedagogy to reinforce key concepts, enhance student comprehension, and promote retention. Using it, students can focus scarce study time, organize review for quizzes and exams, and get the day-to-day reference answers they’re looking for. The Companion Guide also offers instructors additional opportunities to assign take-home reading or vocabulary homework, helping students prepare more for in-class lab work and discussions.
Title: Routing and Switching Essentials Lab Manual
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2014
This is the only Cisco-authorized companion guide to the official Cisco Networking Academy Routing and Switching Essentials course for the new CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum. An indispensable resource for hundreds of thousands of Cisco Networking Academy students worldwide, this portable desk reference is ideal for anytime/anywhere take-home study and reference. Fully aligned to the online course chapters, it offers additional book-based pedagogy to reinforce key concepts, enhance student comprehension, and promote retention. Using it, students can focus scarce study time, organize review for quizzes and exams, and get the day-to-day reference answers they're looking for.
Title: Routing and Switching Essentials Companion Guide v6 NEW!
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2017
Routing and Switching Essentials v6 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Routing and Switching Essentials course in the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum.
This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a small network.
The Companion Guide is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time.
Title: Scaling Networks Companion Guide v6 NEW!
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2018
Scaling Networks v6 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Scaling Networks v6 course in the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum.
The Companion Guide is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time.
Title: Scaling Networks (Companion and Lab Manual sold seperately)
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2014
This is the only Cisco-authorized companion guide to the official Cisco Networking Academy Scaling Networks course for the CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum. An indispensable resource for hundreds of thousands of Cisco Networking Academy students worldwide, this portable desk reference is ideal for anytime/anywhere take-home study and reference. Fully aligned to the online course chapters, it offers additional book-based pedagogy to reinforce key concepts, enhance student comprehension, and promote retention. Using it, students can focus scarce study time, organize review for quizzes and exams, and get the day-to-day reference answers they're looking for.
Title: Connecting Networks Companion Guide v6 NEW!
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2018
Connecting Networks v6 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Connecting Networks version 6 course in the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum.
The Companion Guide is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time.
The book’s features help you focus on important concepts to succeed in this course:
Title: Connecting Networks (Companion and Lab Manual sold seperately)
Author: CISCO
Copyright: 2014
This is the only Cisco-authorized companion guide to the official Cisco Networking Academy Connecting Networks course for the new CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum. An indispensable resource for hundreds of thousands of Cisco Networking Academy students worldwide, this portable desk reference is ideal for anytime/anywhere take-home study and reference. Fully aligned to the online course chapters, it offers additional book-based pedagogy to reinforce key concepts, enhance student comprehension, and promote retention. Using it, students can focus scarce study time, organize review for quizzes and exams, and get the day-to-day reference answers they're looking for.
Title: IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software (reprint)
Author: CISCO
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2011
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide, Fourth Edition, supports the Cisco Networking Academy IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software version 4.1 course. The course provides an introduction to computer components, laptops and portable devices, wireless connectivity, security and safety, environmental concerns, and diagnostic tools.
As a CompTIA Authorized Quality Curriculum, the course helps you prepare for the CompTIA A+ certification. The fundamentals part of the course, covered in Chapters 1–10, helps you prepare for the CompTIA A+ Essentials exam (220-701). You learn the fundamentals of computer technology, networking, and security and validate the communication skills and professionalism required of all entry-level IT professionals. The advanced part of the course, covered in Chapters 11–16, helps you prepare for the CompTIA A+ Practical Application exam (220-702), providing more of a hands-on orientation and scenarios in which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems. Students must pass both exams to earn the CompTIA A+ certification.
Software Engineering
Title: Software Engineering NEW!
Author: Sommerville
Edition: 10
Copyright: 2016
This new 10th edition of Sommerville introduces students to software engineering by focusing on the proven processes and techniques fundamental to the creation of reliable software systems.
Ian Sommerville, drawing on experience in system dependability and systems engineering, guides the reader through the most widely used agile methods and plan-based approaches. The text strives to teach the engineers of tomorrow how to create software that will make our world a more convenient, safer, and enjoyable place to l
Title: Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering (reprint)
Author: Schach
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2011
Building on seven strong editions, the eighth edition maintains the organization and approach for which Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering is known while making significant improvements and additions to content as well as problems and projects. The revisions for the eighth edition make the text easier to use in a one-semester course.
Integrating case studies to show the object oriented approach to software engineering, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 8/e presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques.
Management Information Systems
Title: Management Information Systems NEW!
Author: Laudon
Edition: 15
Copyright: 2018
An in-depth exploration of how businesses successfully manage information
In its Fifteenth Edition, Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm continues to define courses in Management Information Systems. Designed for business school students, the text provides insight into how today's businesses leverage information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives.
Providing comprehensive and integrative coverage of essential new technologies and information system applications, as well their impact on business models and managerial decision-making, Management Information Systems increases student engagement and enhances learning through vivid examples. In this new edition, students will find the most up-to-date, relevant information about information systems used by today’s businesses–capturing students’ attention no matter their industry or vertical of interest. With the help of this text, students will build skills sought after in today’s workplace. Later on, they will be able to understand, participate in, and eventually lead management discussions and drive decisions about their firm’s information systems
Systems Analysis & Design
Title: Modern Systems Analysis and Design (reprint) NEW!
Author: Valacich
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2017
Help Students Become Effective Systems Analysts
Using a professionally-oriented approach, Modern Systems Analysis and Design covers the concepts, skills, and techniques essential for systems analysts to successfully develop information systems.
The Eighth Edition examines the role, responsibilities, and mindset of systems analysts and project managers. It also looks at the methods and principles of systems development, including the systems development life cycle (SDLC) tool as a strong conceptual and systematic framework. Valuing the practical over the technical, the authors have developed a text that prepares students to become effective systems analysts in the field.
Ethics in Information Technology
Title: Ethics in information Technology (reprint)
Author: Reynolds
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2013
Give your students a strong understanding of the legal, ethical, and societal implications of information technology with Reynolds' ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 4E. The latest edition of this dynamic text provides the most up-to-date, thorough coverage of newsworthy technology developments and their impact on business today. Students examine issues surrounding professional codes of ethics, file sharing, and infringement of intellectual property, security risk assessment, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance, privacy, compliance, social networking, and the ethics of IT corporations. This book offers an excellent foundation in ethical decision-making for current and future business managers and IT professionals. Unlike typical introductory Information Systems books that provide only one chapter for ethics and IT and cannot cover the full scope of IT-related ethical issues, ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 4E provides thorough coverage focused on preparing the individuals who are primarily responsible for addressing ethical issues in today's workplace. Future business managers and IT professionals learn how to examine the various ethical situations that typically arise in IT and gain experience from the book's practical advice for addressing the issues. Up-to-the-minute business vignettes and thought-provoking questions challenge students' knowledge; while features focused on decision making, such as this edition's updated Manager's Checklists, provide brief, critical points to consider in making key business decisions. Trust ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 4E to equip your business decision makers with the understanding of ethics and IT needed for ongoing business success.