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Operations Management 13th edition by Heizer c.2020
Organizational Behavior 18th edition by Robbins c.2020
Strategic Management 16th edition by David c.2017 ________________________________
Highlights Operations Management by Heizer presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market.
Strategic Management by David has been thoroughly updated and revised with current research and concepts and added exercises and review questions. |
Technology |
Business Communication
Title: Business Ethics NEW!
Author: Velasquez
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2017
Presents ideas without oversimplifying, while balancing ethical theory and managerial practice
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases is one of the most widely used texts on business ethics today — and remains popular among students because of its accessible style and lucid explanations of complex theories and concepts. While cases and issues have been updated extensively for the Eighth Edition, the authors’ goals are consistent with previous editions: (1) to introduce the reader to the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business; (2) to impart the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions; (3) to identify the moral issues involved in the management of specific problem areas in business; (4) to provide an understanding of the social, technological, and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise; and (5) to supply case studies of actual moral dilemmas faced by businesses and business people.
Business Communication
Title: Essentials of Business Communication
Author: Guffey
Edition: 6
Copyright: 2014
This text-workbook is a streamlined, no-nonsense approach to business communication. It takes a three-in-one approach: (1) text, (2) practical workbook, and (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook. The chapters reinforce basic writing skills, then apply these skills to a variety of memos, letters, reports, and resumes. This new edition features increased coverage of contemporary business communication issues including oral communication, electronic forms of communication, diversity, and ethics.
Title: Foundation of Business Communication
Author: Young
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2007
Foundations of Business Communication uses a selection of margin boxes including Coaching Tips and Communication Challenges to reinforce the hands-on techniques of communication in an increasingly arms-length and borderless environment. BusinessWeek cases and related assignments provide real-world exposure and support.
Business Statistics
Title: Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (reprint)
Author: Lind
Edition: 7
Copyright: 2010
Lind/Marchal/Wathen Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, 7e is the basic version of Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics 14e, our market best seller. Like the 14th edition, the 7th edition contains comprehensive coverage of statistical tools and methods delivered in a student friendly, step-by-step format but in a shorter, “essential” version of the big book. The text is non-threatening and presents concepts clearly in a conversational writing style. Statistical concepts are illustrated with solved applied examples. The text maintains a focus on presenting statistics content first and using software as tools to support interpretation of data and results
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Title: Entrepreneurship: Starting a Small Business
Author: Mariotti
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2017
Written by award-winning experts, Steve Mariotti and Caroline Glackin, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management presents complex economic, financial and business concepts in a manner easily understood by a variety of students.
Based on a proven curriculum from the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), it is organized to follow the life-cycle of an entrepreneurial venture—from concept through implementation to harvesting or replication. Filled with examples from a broad range of industries, it moves further into the entrepreneurial process—discussing the business plan and also the unique aspects of managing and growing entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses.
Decision Science / Operations Management
Title: Operations Management NEW!
Author: Heizer
Edition: 13
Copyright: 2020
Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. Solved problems and worked examples found in the 13th Edition provide ample support -- to help readers better understand concepts important to today’s operations management professionals.
Title: Operations Management
Author: Krajewski
Edition: 11
Copyright: 2015
A managerial approach to operations management. Operations Management provides students with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues and uses a systemized approach while focusing on issues of current interest. The text has ample opportunities for students to experience the role of a manager with challenging problems, cases, simulations, experiential exercises, and tightly integrated online resources.
Title: Quantitative Analysis for Management
Author: Render
Edition: 12
Copyright: 2015
A solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science
This popular text gives students a genuine foundation in business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science—and how to apply the concepts and techniques in the real world—through a strong emphasis on model building, computer applications, and examples. The authors’ approach presents mathematical models, with all of the necessary assumptions, in clear, plain English, and then applies the ensuing solution procedures to example problems along with step-by-step, how-to instructions. In instances in which the mathematical computations are intricate, the details are presented in a manner that ensures flexibility, allowing instructors to omit these sections without interrupting the flow of the material. The use of computer software enables the instructor to focus on the managerial problem and spend less time on the details of the algorithms. Computer output is provided for many examples throughout the text.
Management Information Systems
Title: Management Information Systems NEW!
Author: Laudon
Edition: 15
Copyright: 2018
An in-depth exploration of how businesses successfully manage information
In its Fifteenth Edition, Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm continues to define courses in Management Information Systems. Designed for business school students, the text provides insight into how today's businesses leverage information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives.
Providing comprehensive and integrative coverage of essential new technologies and information system applications, as well their impact on business models and managerial decision-making, Management Information Systems increases student engagement and enhances learning through vivid examples. In this new edition, students will find the most up-to-date, relevant information about information systems used by today’s businesses–capturing students’ attention no matter their industry or vertical of interest. With the help of this text, students will build skills sought after in today’s workplace. Later on, they will be able to understand, participate in, and eventually lead management discussions and drive decisions about their firm’s information systems.
Human Resources Management / Organizational Behavior
Title: Human Resources Management NEW!
Author: Dessler
Edition: 15
Copyright: 2018
Modern Human Resources: Technology, Social Media, and Management
Human Resource Management provides students with the daily tools and skills they need to function as successful managers--in both human resources and business in general. With a practical approach, the text explores the evolution of the field, highlighting the introduction of revolutionary new technologies and social media platforms such as LinkedIn and cloud computing.
The Fifteenth Edition focuses on the positive impacts technology has had on the HR field. The ability to vet potential employees on the Internet shifts more HR responsibilities to managers, leaving HR departments with more time to carry out strategic, long-term endeavors for boosting employee performance and engagement. With a heavy focus on emerging industry trends, the text prepares students with everything they need to be successful managers and HR personnel in the 21st century.
Title: Organizational Behavior NEW!
Author: Robbins
Edition: 18
Copyright: 2020
Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, Organizational Behavior provides the research you want, in the language your students understand. This text continues its tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for readers. The Updated 18th edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent research and business events within the field of organizational behavior worldwide while maintaining its hallmark features ― a clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There’s a reason why Robbins textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into twenty languages ― and it’s because of a commitment that provides the kind of engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with organizational behavior.
Title: Organizational Behavior
Author: Robbins
Edition: 17
Copyright: 2016
Help Students Better Understand Their Behavioral and Interpersonal Skills
Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, Organizational Behavior provides the research you want, in the language your students understand. This text continues its tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for readers.
The Seventeenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent research and business events within the field of organizational behavior worldwide, while maintaining its hallmark features—clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There’s a reason why Robbins’s textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into twenty languages—and it’s because of a commitment that provides the kind of engaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect with organizational behavior.
Title: Organizational Behavior (reprint)
Author: Hitt
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2015
Organizational Behavior Fourth Edition helps students understand the impact of effective management of people, teams and groups on organizational performance. Through this strategic framework, the authors illustrate organizational behavior as critical to implementing strategy, gaining competitive advantages, and ensuring positive organizational results. The 4th Edition includes the latest research and literature pertaining to pressing topics like global contexts, motivation and leadership. With features that offer managerial advice, highlight strategic initiatives and provide opportunities for self-assessment and analysis, the text encourages students to understand the value of OB to organizational success and to their future careers.
Title: Organizational Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change
Author: Anderson
Edition: 3
Copyright: 2015
Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change, Third Edition offers a comprehensive look at individual, team, and organizational change, covering classic and contemporary organization development techniques. Incorporating organization development ethics and values into each chapter, author Donald L. Anderson provides discussion of real-world application of these theoretical ideas to help students face today’s challenging environment of increased globalization, rapidly changing technologies, economic pressures, and changing expectations in the contemporary workforce.
Title: Effective Training (reprint)
Author: Blanchard
Edition: 5
Copyright: 2017
Seamlessly integrate training theory and application into your course. Effective Training: Systems, Strategies and Practices discusses the training process within an overarching framework that shows readers how training activities meet organizational needs that are both strategic and tactical in nature.
Title: Strategic Brand Management
Author: Keller
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2014
Incorporating the latest industry thinking and developments, this exploration of brands, brand equity, and strategic brand management combines a comprehensive theoretical foundation with numerous techniques and practical insights for making better day-to-day and long-term brand decisions–and thus improving the long-term profitability of specific brand strategies.
Strategic Management
Title: Strategic Management NEW!
Author: David
Edition: 16
Copyright: 2017
A Practical, Skills-oriented Approach to Strategic Management
In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Management captures the complexity of the current business environment and delivers the latest skills and concepts with unrivaled clarity, helping students develop their own cutting-edge strategies through skill-developing exercises. The Sixteenth Edition has been thoroughly updated and revised with current research and concepts. This edition includes 30 new cases and end-of-chapter material, including added exercises and review questions.