Global Standard Books at Low Prices
English & Mass Communications
Title: Connect College Reading
Author: Dole
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2014
Taking a holistic approach to developmental reading, CONNECT: COLLEGE READING is an intermediate level book for reading levels 8-10. CONNECT strives to build students' confidence by showing them that many of the skills needed to become stronger readers are skills they already possess and use on a daily basis. Using popular media as a springboard, Dole and Taggart show students how thinking skills used while watching television or movies can easily transfer to reading. CONNECT's comprehensive approach includes extensive vocabulary coverage, critical thinking practice throughout, and textbook readings in every chapter to help students master college reading. The second edition includes a full chapter on inferences, enhanced coverage of main idea, and guides for specialized reading situations such as reading visuals, novels, and a guide to taking tests.
Title: Exercise Your College English Skills (reprint)
Author: Elder
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2010
Through the familiar and motivating metaphor of sports, Janet Elder (Entryways, New Worlds, Opening Doors) provides students extensive opportunities to learn, apply, and reinforce essential reading skills.

Title: Writing Research Papers (reprint) NEW!
Author: Lester
Edition: 15
Copyright: 2017
Cross-curricular for high school and college courses The definitive research paper guide to accompany any course where research writing is central, Writing Research Papers combines a traditional and practical approach to the research process with the latest information on electronic research and presentation.
• Step-by-step guidance through the research writing process.
• Backs up instruction with the most complete array of examples.
• Even more fully documented student sample papers illustrate how actual students approached their topics.
Title: Public Speaking for College and Career (reprint)
Author: Gregory
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2011
Public Speaking for College and Career offers a practical, accessible, and non-intimidating approach to public speaking. Through numerous stories, examples, and techniques, this popular text shows students how to achieve clarity and confidence during the speeches they must give in college, in their careers, and in their communities.
Title: Public Speaking (reprint) NEW!
Author: Beebe
Edition: 9
Copyright: 2015
An audience-centered approach to public speaking
Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach brings theory and practice together. Its distinctive and popular approach emphasizes the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point in the speech making process. This model of public speaking is the foundation of the text, and it guides students through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the dynamics of diverse audiences, and narrowing the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Title: Essentials of Business Communication (reprint)
Author: Guffey
Edition: 6
Copyright: 2014
This text-workbook is a streamlined, no-nonsense approach to business communication. It takes a three-in-one approach: (1) text, (2) practical workbook, and (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook. The chapters reinforce basic writing skills, then apply these skills to a variety of memos, letters, reports, and resumes. This new edition features increased coverage of contemporary business communication issues including oral communication, electronic forms of communication, diversity and ethics.